The Company
Falcon® Security Limited is a security, planning, management, and services company enjoying the confidence of our clientele. Retired officers from Bangladesh Army having adequate training on security and related matters, both from home and abroad, among others, to manage the services of the company. Our experience includes VVIP security, protection planning of key point installation (KPI), aviation security, planning, and securing big industrial projects from its inception till operation and providing security and other essential services to expatriate/local companies, offices, factories, residential complexes, and other installations.
Our Policy
The company policy is to provide concentrated and quality services without overstretching our supervisory system. By this, we ensure strict supervision round the clock to maintain the high standard of performance set by us.
Founder’s Message
Everything we hold near and dear to be protected and cared for. But we need to find out someone worthy enough to ensure the security of the fruits of our hard work and indeed, and our very lives and properties, can be difficult. That’s where Falcon® comes in.